-- Newsletter --
Volume 8, July 2006
Welcome to July. I hope your summer is off
and running well. Astrologically speaking, the first half of 2006 has really
been about developing ourselves spiritually coinciding with the stern reality
checks of Saturn in Leo. Hopefully we don’t need prodded anymore and are facing
up to our responsibilities just to get Saturn off of our backs, eh? Well then,
Saturn is always somewhere, is it
not? Nevertheless, some relief is in store as the Sun separates from its
opposition to Pluto; and Mars from its recent conjunction with Saturn. In July
we look at Mars in opposition to Neptune, Mercury Retrograde (yes, again), and
the approaching climax of the year, Saturn facing off with
7/4 3:34pm Mercury Retrograde (Rx) until 7/28 –
Here we go again. About every 3 months for about 3 weeks Mercury appears to
reverse its direction, this time for 24 days. Mercury, the Messenger, gets his
signals crossed and marks a time when we need to be extra clear about details
about everything. Double-check your
appointments; repeat yourself to your friends when you tell them, “I’ll meet
you at
7/5 Mars opposite
What energies are involved? Mars in Leo will be opposite
does it mean? Mars in Leo is your bold, ego-based, confident energy or
direction that you are taking. Neptune in Aquarius is a sense we have,
probably from the larger Collective Unconsciousness, to surrender to the needs
of the Collective. b) and what our
unconscious duty to the All is (
h). Make sense?
Sounds like a Socialistic state.
What “aspect” is being made? The two planets are across
the zodiac from each other, called an opposition
aspect. This energy exchange can bring about challenging aspects between
the two. Both forces need to be assimilated and harmonized within the
personality or else tension and disruption will likely occur.
Where is it happening? The opposition in this case is happening
in the polarized signs of Leo and Aquarius. This aspect is also happening in
the Astrological houses, fields of
life (the definition of which are well beyond the scope of this article). Mars
and Neptune are in the same signs for
everyone but appearing in different
houses per Sun-Sign. This is what gives rise to the 12 possible sets of
interpretations although they all have a similar feel.
In summary: Mars in Leo is opposing
Aries – tension between the 5th and 11th
houses. The Rams want to have fun and spend time in recreation, perhaps with
their kids. There may also be a new business speculation or even a love
interest developing. Somehow, the duty to
a larger group (11th house) is muddying up the waters (
) and
representing a conflict. You can’t quite do your thing because you have to
honor the group’s wishes. Clearly, what is called for here is to not be obsessed
with your creations and instead include others. Selfishness could cause a
significant loss otherwise.
Taurus – tension between the 4th
and 10th houses. The Bull wants to put energy into securing
their home and find creative release there. But, it is hard
to do right now as he/she is being required to sacrifice (
) more
now for his/her career. Taureans are tough and now need to bite the
bullet and keep on plugging away at work. Extra time for relaxation will come
around later and ultimately you will benefit because you demonstrated
selflessness at work. However, this can’t be faked. You have to really perform
for the sake of your employer – else, an empty victory will be in store, if at
Gemini – tension between the 3rd
and 9th houses. The Twins (identical?) are enjoying this
one. While ever so comfortable expressing their own ideas (3rd
house), they are being required now to fuse their new cerebral discoveries with
the Greater Mind (9th house). This can be a time of great insight
and epiphanies. No matter what, it will be a bit confusing (
). It
would serve you well to know that, as Dr. Wayne Dyer puts it, “Your imagination
is not yours – it is the universal
mind running through it.” Imagine that - a much larger field of wildflowers for
the Butterfly to explore.
Cancer – tension between the 2nd
and 8th houses. This could cost the Crabs. Security-based
Cancers are trying their hardest to establish both financial and physical
security. But somehow, you’ve come across a leak (
) with
another. You really do need to yield and hold up at least 50% of the bargain
with someone you share assets and liabilities with. Else, you may lose money
and it could be significant. Cancer sometimes learns the hard way that it’s
simply not safe to try to stay in a little cocoon, no matter how hard you try.
You must avoid the temptation to manipulate someone else’s money.
Leo – tension between the 1st and 7th
The Lion is facing a showdown here. Your sense of devotion and love to the
“other” is facing off with your strong urge to project yourself into your
environment. Both must be satisfied, but don’t kid yourself. Neptune is far
stronger than Mars. For now, yield to your partner without
thought of reward or recognition.
If you don’t, you may be shunned. You are the sunny center of the zodiac, your light will burn brighter as you are willing to
share the limelight with others. It must be sincere or else the numbers in the
audience will shrink.
Virgo – tension between the 12th
and 6th houses. Virgins should have little trouble with
this one. Your natural sense of service to others is being highlighted now. Be
aware that there is a much bigger field of service outside of the one you are
used to. Use this marvelous energy to merge with a much more universal sense of
belonging and dedication. You shine by example, and sacrifice comes naturally
to you. Health can be affected at this time (6th house), so be
careful not to become spread too thin. You workaholics need rest now and then –
this is one those times.
Libra – tension between the 11th
and 5th houses. Libra should fare well during this time.
Your talent for keeping the scales balanced will come in handy as you look to
blend the need for group activity and are willing to sacrifice personal
enjoyment. This is a great time for you to lose yourself in a group that has
common interests and have some fun. You learn so much by comparison; jump in
the pool (
) and
allow your Venusian nature to absorb the feeling of the group’s spirit. You are
getting what you’ve been wanting because you’re living for the bigger Self.
Scorpio – tension between the 10th
and 4th houses. Scorpio can’t continue to obsess about
their careers right now until they get the home front straightened out. You also
can’t keep running on fumes. You need to stop in for a pit-stop and get some
nurturing from your family. Don’t let family members discourage (
) your
career decisions at this time however. You need to surface some at work too,
i.e., be more overt. Even Scorpio needs to come up for air now and then.
Staying submerged in the dark, murky waters now could hurt your job. You can’t
swing your sword very effectively underwater.
Sagittarius – tension between
the 9th and 3rd houses. The Centaur is
whistling their happy tune because they have the world all
figured out and have the tiger by the tail – philosophically speaking.
Yet, it would serve you well to examine your mind a second time. Subtler realms
are opening up to you and you need to be attentive. Your intuition and psychic
abilities are growing and you need to incorporate new ways of thinking and
invite them onto your soap-box. Don’t be too comfortable with your old
opinions, expand them again, else you may confidently steer yourself into the
Capricorn – tension between
the 8th and 2nd houses. Goats may have
become overly-dedicated to another and need to make sure they are not
sacrificing themselves too much. You have a natural sense of duty that serves
you and others very well. However, if you invest too much in another at the
cost of your own self-worth, you’ve paid too much. Money matters are critical
now. Step up to the plate and pull your weight. If not, you may get hit where
it hurts you the most which often times is in the wallet. Definitely watch out
for someone else being underhanded with your money.
Aquarius – tension between the 7th
and 1st houses. The Water-bearer is enjoying new activity
with close ones. You are having the opportunity to entertain and have fun. Your
natural humanitarian sense makes you appealing to others. You are the life of
the party now. Make sure that all the efforts that your are
putting into others at this time are not an escape from yourself however. It’s
the perfect time for you to start or enhance a relationship - just don’t get
lost in it. Others are noticing your expansive, inventive mind. You take it for
granted. Stop that.
Pisces – tension between the 6th and 12th houses.
Something is Fishy. I know you take great enjoyment in taking care of others.
It’s clearly time to take care of yourself. You are
spread too thin. You need to take specific action to guard against ill health.
Your normal “take it as it comes” attitude usually serves you well. Not now.
You need rest and you need to get away from other’s “vibes”, especially men (
). The
wonderful selfless, giving nature of Pisces needs replenished. It can’t always
be give, give, give, unless you really can handle
being a martyr.
7/6 3:19am Jupiter goes direct – We won’t notice
much from this one unless it is changing direction right on a planet or
sensitive point in your chart (8°e59’). Basically, it
will bring a sense of hopefulness and well-being.
A few of the reasons that Cancerian
Marianne is such an effective Spiritual speaker is because she was born with
the Sun between Venus (love) and Uranus (New Age), all in Cancer. She is a
spiritual mother (). Some
New Age authors emphasize intellectual understanding, and some enlightenment.
Her main focus is on how you feel.
And on how we treat one another, thus the title of her most popular book, “A Return to Love”.
7/13 Moon
7/24 Moon Void
7/28 The Delta Aquarids
Meteor Showers are peaking this night. Meteor showers are named after the
constellations from which they appear to emanate. In the case of the Delta Aquarids, the constellation is Aquarius; the Leonids, the constellation Leo; the Perseids,
the constellation Perseus; and so on. The showers
have little to do with the constellations they are named for. Rather, they are
produced by bits of dusty debris shed by orbiting comets and asteroids.
Instructions for best
1) Go somewhere
dark well away from city lights
2) Lay down, hopefully
somewhere flat and comfortable
3) Look up
4) Don’t blink
5) Gasp a lot and
say, “Wow, did you see that?”
6) Stand up
7) Go home
8) Resume blinking
Dear Kid Astro,
1. What significance does it have if
someone is born “C-section”, i.e., where (it seems like) the time is
determined by the hospital’s schedule? Astrologically it matters not how
you were born. You were born when you took your first breath. Period. Some Astrologers time your birth from the second the
umbilical cord was cut. Some actually time it from the date and time of conception – if you happen to have been wearing a
watch at the time.
2. What does it mean if a baby is born
earlier or later than the “due date”?
Starself knows nothing of a calendar or clock. You
were born when you were born when you were born. And that happened to be
exactly the right second. The
Universe was in a unique state at the split-second that you were born and you
are that moment’s emissary.
3. Why are twins often so different in
nature? I have no idea and I know of
no Astrologer that does. The “rising sign” or “ascendant” does change one
degree for every 4 minutes of birth time, a minor difference, but one that
accounts for very little. Perhaps the biggest reason is psychological, i.e.,
since each twin is so much like the other and is constantly being identified
with being a twin and not an individual, maybe they simply accentuate what
small differences they do have?
Next month we ask Kid Astro:
When I read about my Sun-sign, it doesn’t sound like
Why am I so different?
S.P.A.C.E. News
The Southwestern Pennsylvania Astrology
Consortium for Enlightenment (S.P.A.C.E.) will next meet on Sunday, July 30th.
Monthly meetings are held on the last Sunday of each month at
Void Void
Date Starts Ends
---- ------
7/02 2:58am - 1:06pm
7/04 3:17pm - 1:13am (next day)
7/06 3:54pm – 10:13am
(next day)
7/09 6:31am - 3:25pm
7/11 4:58pm - 5:46pm
Void-of-Course Moons are times every few
days anywhere from a few minutes to several hours where you are discouraged
from launching projects. It’s kind of like sailing a boat and there just isn’t
any wind. For more information on this subject, visit my earlier newsletter: www.starself.com/newsletter2.html
Access my complete 2006 Void Moon table at:
all past articles and newsletters at: www.starself.com/articlesnews.html
birth chart calculations are available at: http://www.alabe.com/freechart/
A free do-it-yourself Astrology program is
available at: http://www.magitech.com/~cruiser1/astrolog.htm
Make sure to stay in touch with my web site
at: www.starself.com and as always:
“May the planets be with you as you find your Starself!”