-- Newsletter --
Volume 10, September 2006
Welcome to September. Lots
going on this month. With Pluto having been reclassified, Saturn
currently in opposition to Neptune, and two Eclipses (sometimes we get three in
one month), there’s much to discuss. I was tempted to talk some about John Mark
Karr’s chart, but he’s gotten enough press, right?
Note: For those of you from
Well, we have all this hoopla over Pluto being
declassified now as a “Dwarf Planet” status. Whatever.
It’s still Pluto, and Pluto is still the big butt-kicker of the zodiac. Period. This very well may symbolize a meaningful turning
point in the function of Pluto.
Likewise, the time of discovery of the planets has consistently coincided with
major events on earth that reflected the nature of the planet. See Richard Tarnas’ epic book on the subject, “Cosmos and Psyche”. Therefore it surprised me to hear that the fine
American Astrologer, Robert Hand, didn’t think that the demotion of Pluto was
meaningful. I have to respectfully disagree.
In accord with Tarnas, why would we have
notable experiences on our planet happen
to coincide with the time we “discovered” it? The planet was there all along.
Likewise, it seems to me, intuitively, that this major change in Pluto’s status
will come to be seen as symbolically significant. How? Well, since Pluto rules
the Unconscious among other things, perhaps the “U” in the Collective Unconscious
has been “demoted” to a lower-case “u”. Just maybe the great schism that was
once the Unconscious has narrowed. Have we evolved to the point where our own unconscious
minds are not so mysterious and unreachable anymore?
On another topic, as was stated in the past
few issues, Saturn’s opposition to
We celebrate Virgo this month
9/4 Pluto
goes direct (forward) – So now he goes direct? Who cares now that he
isn’t a planet anymore? Merely a “Planetoid” or “Dwarf Planet.”
They would do it to Pluto while his back was turned, eh? Sounds very much like
a trick Pluto would do actually. We’re not going to notice much from this
change of direction, unless of course, it’s pivoting on a sensitive point in
your chart, in which case you need not worry anymore anyhow because all
astrologers are removing Pluto from all of their charts --- Not.
9/6 Venus enters Virgo
Affections chill
(These dates are
Aries (Mar
21-Apr 19) Your unconscious mind is stirring. This is not
an energy you are used to. The past keeps bugging you. Rams don’t like this. They
much prefer to get on with things. This is a symbol that you need to slow down
and give some attention to your need for solace and reflection. You can’t
always “Ram On” like McCartney sang about. Sometimes you need to chill and get
in line with your Higher Power. Taking a temporary back seat now will benefit you,
your instincts will only sharpen even more. You knew you could be better, right?
Taurus (Apr
20-May 20)
This is a time for you to bust free with your friends.
Also, you’ve waited too long and have been too patient. Now is the time to go
for what you’ve been dreaming about. There will be plenty of time later for you
to nail things down. Time is ripe for you to toss your cap high into the air
and graduate towards what you’ve always wanted. Focusing your bull energy on
group projects is also highly encouraged. This is one time that you really must
deal with that “C”-word, change, even though you typically hate it. Dang nab
Gemini (May
21-Jun 21) Look
out. As if you needed an excuse to ride that big wave. This is your big chance
to get free of that restrictive job (at least somewhat) and try on another role
in life. Always eager for new experiences, the Twins are now ready to break
free. A perfect time for launching self-employment projects, consulting
services or simply new breakthroughs at work. Uranus urges you to try something
new - to stand alone and be unique. This is a cakewalk for the Third Sign. Try
not to trip over your own two feet from all the excitement.
Cancer (Jun
22-Jul 22)
At this time you will be challenged to come up with
your own ideas and philosophies. While it’s been somewhat comfortable, albeit
sometimes stifling, to echo sentiments you’ve always heard around the home. Now
you must come up with your own thoughts. You are one of 4 leaders in
the Zodiac (along with Aries, Libra, and Capricorn). Show everyone that you’re not just a bundle
of feelings. You have smarts and instinct too. If you would just come out
of your protective shell a little more often you wouldn’t be
having to prove it now.
Virgo (Aug
23-Sep 22)
Fastidious, yes. Honest, yes. Hard-working,
yes. Comfortable in relationships, no.
And now with the Uranian urge to break free
and further your independence, what gives? For all the signs this should not be
seen as a time to break free from someone unless that person truly is
restrictive. It’s much more important that we focus our energies now on
standing tall and being independent regardless of what other’s
may think. Skilled at what you do, you usually take responsibility for
yourself. The trick now is not to panic and try to accomplish too much. You
Virgins need to have fun now. And don’t work at it either.
Scorpio (Oct
23 - Nov 21)
Now is the time to come out from undercover and let it loose. It is time to
express yourself, take a chance and go out on a limb.
That business venture you’ve been considering may finally have found its time.
You are the passionate one, but you are often like a pressure-cooker due to
being so cautious and even paranoid. Now you get new faith in yourself and are
fed up with slow-developing plans. Go for it; your passions will take you far.
Even if you end up creating a new Soap Opera you’ll enjoy every minute of it.
Sagittarius (Nov
22-Dec 21)
Not that you need an excuse to express your feelings… Uranus in your 4th
Solar House impels you to break free from self-imposed emotional limitations. Sag now has the opportunity to become even
more liberated. If you have had a family member trying to keep you down, look
out – twang - one less arrow in the quiver. Seriously, this is your time to
find constructive freedom from your nest, whatever that may be. You should have
a much easier time of this than most other signs. In fact, typical Sage advise,
don’t go overboard.
Capricorn (Dec
22-Jan 19)
The Goat sparkles now with new ideas. It’s time to write, to explore, and to
entertain new concepts. You really must toss aside traditional ideas now and
then, or else risk the fate of a well-used statue.
Aquarius (Jan
20-Feb 18)
Well, well, well, this is like painting an electric-blue wall electric-blue.
Your ruler Uranus speaks. But this time he speaks from your Solar
second house. You should have no problem with this one but it is time to assert
your own hard earned self worth. Don’t be taken in by other’s guilt trips (as
if you could.) Now is the time for you to shine and let all know what you’ve
known since day one – it doesn’t matter what others think of you - it’s what
you think of yourself. Like preaching to the choir.
9/16 Venus opposes Uranus
Affections flux
He preferred
passing other riders while going UP
9/22 Solar Eclipse 29 Virgo
9/23 Sun enters Libra,
9/24 Jupiter
9/26 Jack
LaLanne turns 92 – Yes, he’s STILL going strong. My goodness, who would ever
guess that a Libra could do so many
pushups? What can inspire a man to be so incredibly fit for so long? How about
Moon in Capricorn opposite Saturn and Pluto, all making a T-square to the Sun.
The emphasized Saturn gives him the stamina. Remember Libra is a Cardinal Air sign
which translates as “idea leader”. Even though he’s always coaching us
physically, his primary focus is mental (air).
He declared that his two simple rules of
nutrition are: "If man made it, don't eat it; if it tastes good, spit it
out." He often says, "I can not afford to die, it will ruin my
9/30 Venus enters Libra
Affections thaw
our largest asteroid, once a planet, was also declassified to “Dwarf Planet”
status a while back.
you had a really, really, really, really, big bath tub, Saturn would float in
Rock lead singer for Queen, Freddie
Mercury’s, middle name was Pluto.
is the only sign represented by a female.
word “eclipse” comes from the Greek for “to vanish.”
month we ask Kid Astro: Since I have free will, how can Astrology still “work?”
The Southwestern
Pennsylvania Astrology Consortium for Enlightenment (S.P.A.C.E.) will next meet
on Sunday, September 24th. Monthly meetings are held on the last Sunday of each
month at
Void Void
Date Starts Ends
---- ------ -------
9/02 3:49am - 10:34am BE ESPECIALLY ALERT
9/04 10:24am - 2:15pm TO DAYS IN RED,
9/06 5:29am - 2:56pm
9/08 5:02am - 2:23pm
4:52am - 2:30pm
Void-of-Course Moons are periods every few
days anywhere from a few minutes to several hours where you are discouraged
from launching projects. It’s kind of like sailing a boat and there just isn’t
any wind. For more information on this subject, visit my earlier newsletter: www.starself.com/newsletter2.html
Access my complete 2006 Void Moon table at:
all past articles and newsletters at: www.starself.com/articlesnews.html
birth chart calculations are available at: http://www.alabe.com/freechart/
A free do-it-yourself Astrology program is
available at: http://www.magitech.com/~cruiser1/astrolog.htm
The PA Dept. of Vital Records form for ordering
your birth time/birth certificate is at: www.starself.com/birthtime
Remember, if you have any intriguing or
humorous stories about Mercury’s Retrograde periods,
feel free to email them to mercuryrx@starself.com
(anonymously if you prefer.)
Make sure to stay in touch with my web site
at: www.starself.com and as always:
“May the planets be with you as you find your Starself!”