Rick DiClemente’s
(Download a printable .DOC version here)
to September. I am excited to be offering two new workshops in the Pittsburgh
area. The first, “Astrology and Finding Your Life Direction” focuses
specifically on your chart and the symbols representing your aptitudes. Life
direction is a very complex subject and requires combining many charts together
- that is what is done during the workshop. The newest offering, “Learn About
Your Chart” is just that. Each piece of your natal chart will be explained
to you in detail - not a computer printout from the Internet.
We’re all feeling the multiple planets in Virgo now - time to work hard. Forces, Uranus and Saturn, are tightening as we approach this critical election. May you all have a great end to your summer and start of Fall.
P.S. Don’t miss it… in this issue, the PLANETS cast their ballot for President.
--- Lots of September Happenings ---
A New Workshop:
“Astrology and Finding Your Life Direction”
--- Friday, September 12, 7:00-9:30pm, “The Center for Holistic Health and Education”,
203 S. Front St., Wheeling Island, WV (304) 232-5141
--- Thursday, September 25, 6:30-9:30pm, “Indian Summer Gifts,” 4136 Library Rd.,
Pittsburgh, PA (412) 561-3223
Two-Part Beginner's
Astrology Overview Workshop
Community College of Allegheny County,
Tuesday, September 23 and Tuesday, September 30, 6:30pm-8:30pm
To register, call (412) 237-2700
"Learn the Basics of How Astrology Works"
Learn how all 12 signs fit together, what their "purpose" is, and how they differ.
In this four-hour workshop, you'll see how charts are constructed and learn
the basics as how to interpret one. Find out how the planets work in your
life and how to live in sync with them.
Another New Workshop:
Now is your chance to find out what each detail means in YOUR chart!
“The Open Mind Bookstore,” Friday, September 26, 7:00-10:00pm,
$25, 439 Beaver St., Sewickley, PA (724) 741-1888
Virgos of Interest and Astrological Musings…
(Because the planets are traveling in groups and several planets are stationing
(changing directions), there are a relatively low number of aspects this month.)
9/8 Pluto goes Direct 11:12pm - You Sag’s can’t start celebrating just yet. Yes, Pluto IS LEAVING Sagittarius, but it’ll take till Thanksgiving. Heck,
Pluto ain’t in no hurry, remember, we demoted it.
9/11-12 Sun opposes Uranus - A growing tension between transiting Saturn and Uranus is mounting. Awareness now goes to the schism that is forming.
Time for cooler, cooler heads.
9/15 Full Moon 22°i54’ 5:13am - This lunation is highlighted by transiting Uranus. Similar to the nutty energy that abounded during last month’s lunar
eclipse, don’t try to make sense of this one. Try to get some sleep if you can. “All work and no play,” ain’t gonna get it now. We all need to loosen up some here.
9/22 Sun enters Libra 11:45am - Not the normal mellowing of energies. Why? Because El Pluto is sitting on the edge of early Capricorn which makes this a square.
Interpretation: Our partnerships require much more dedication that once was thought….
9/23 Venus enters Scorpio 10:59pm - Dig out your old Neil Young records. “Oh, Oh, lonesome meeeeeeee….”
9/24 Mercury goes Retrograde 3:17am - Just when we were getting used to it behaving… In mid-Libra, this one shouldn’t be too bad.
9/29 New Moon 6° d33’ 4:12am - This lunation is squaring Pluto rather closely. Time to make solid decisions regarding your partnerships and stick to your guns.
Free birth chart calculations are available at: http://www.alabe.com/freechart/
The PA Dept. of Vital Records form for ordering your birth time/birth certificate is at: www.starself.com/birthtime
Make sure to stay in touch with my web site at www.starself.com and as always, “May the planets be with you as you find your Starself!” - Rick
2008 Rick DiClemente - www.starself.com © - All rights