Rick DiClemente’s Astrology NewsletterVolume 86, April 2013
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Now is Astrology’s Time
Whatever could I be talking about? For many years I made the mistake of trying to turn my students into astrologers. It took me a long time to realize that only a very few have the ‘lineage’ of astrology to follow. I have taught many bright people and they’re all much better for it, I think. But, what I finally realized is that astrology is THE science/art to learn in order to put an archetypal foundation to anything you do. Why is that? Because it is archetypal; that’s why. When I speak of archetypes, I speak of those ethereal forms that Plato, Joseph Campbell, James Hillman and Carl Jung referred to.
In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s marvelous book, “The Power of Intention”, (http://tinyurl.com/czt2yuj) he clearly defines many of the universal archetypes that inform us. Carolyn Myss does the same. True astrology tries not to predict events; it predicts archetypal probabilities. We are haunted by the former by those astrologers to try to do so. Aren’t we supposed to have free will? A deep study of these emanating forces shows us where these urges come from, the urge to survive, grow, couple, procreate, excel, etc. They are symbolized by the planets. Symbolized is hard word to describe.
There are those days when you awaken and suddenly “feel like doing this or that.” Why is that? That IS your God connection. Isn’t it marvelous? We are all connected to the Divine source whether we like it or not. It’s not a matter of opinion or belief, it just is. God’s expression coming forth from His/Her center is intelligent. This is why Wayne Dyer tells us that “intention is a force outside of ourselves!” I use the phrase “outside” very lightly as physics and psychology have both proven to us that there is no “outside.” The way we think matches the way the “world is.” How powerful we really are.
Yet, they scream forth with great power and insistence. When you are “going with the flow” you are in touch with “God’s will, or pure intention” if you will. God can only intend love, there is nothing else. That’s why when you “fall in love”, the world seems so vibrant and perfect.
There is nothing else.
Astrology is our methodology of mapping and timing some of those energies. Life longs for more life. It seeks balance naturally. It impels us. That’s why every school of spiritual thought compels us to GET OUT OF OUR OWN WAY. You know what I’m talking about. “A Course in Miracles” says to us that we are trying to compete with God; we don’t trust Him; we think we can do a better job if we follow our desires and intentions (Our Will). Not. You just can’t do it – this naturally reveals how yielding and surrendering to the flow always works out. Then, you are truly being yourself, or as I should say, your Godself. (your Starself?)
Many astrologers just don’t get it – yet. But, they are getting it now that we are in the age of Astrology, Quantum Physics and Holographic reality. The reason a birth chart “works” is because it is holographic as we are! It’s awful hard to explain. You are the ocean in a drop, not the opposite. All parts contain the whole. This is why one simply must get their natal chart cast. Then, and only then can you truly understand why your nature is the way it is. If you are a very sensitive artist or musician, close to your muses, then you don’t need an astrologer, you simply feel your way through. But in order to do that, you must obey only your muses (God’s archetypes) as do Bob Dylan and Neil Young. Didn’t you ever wonder how they do what they do? That’s how: it’s not them doing it; it’s them allowing the intention of the universal archetypes to flow through them, whether it’s poetic, folksy, rocky, grungy, or whatever. The urge is God, He’s not on some bejeweled throne on cloud X. A diamond has many facets. That’s what “selling out” means: it means losing your connection, not caving to “the man.”
It is time now that we stop reading our horoscopes. Why? - because we are much more than they infer. Astrology must be removed from the comic section of the newspaper. Can’t you sense that your deep, inner compulsions are holy indeed? Why is one person happy just to work and return home, while another is out trying to save the world? It’s all in your chart. That does not mean that you are restricted to its dimensions or are limited to its promises. Reading a chart is like slicing open your primal seed and revealing, even in its most basic form, your inclinations and your lineage. Your individualized charts fits perfectly with the collective. Your planets are exactly where they need to be – or should I say, in the same state as you left them in your past lifetime. Who knows why you are different than your brother or sister, it’s just the way you have formed your particular karma.
Karma is so misunderstood in the punitive-Old-Testament-admiring-a-tooth-for-a-tooth West. We just don’t get it. But, we’re starting to get it. And our main tool will be astrology. That is our guide, our archetypal framework.
Watching “The Matrix”: that’s a visual display of the archetypes kind of on 3D graph paper. Telling your friends, “Hey, what’s gotten into Debbie?”: That’s the pure direct perception of the archetypes.
Karma is not a non-accountable way of you hoping so-and-so will get his or hers. It is not a surrogate for your personal vengeance. Karma is this:
If, in past lifetimes you have built walls, in this lifetime, you’ll have to go over or around them. No one is waiting to punish you except yourself.
We are so stuck answering to the stern father up in the sky. Except, there is no one there; it’s all this game we play with ourselves. How powerful each of us would truly be if we didn’t have to answer to this imaginary projected image of guilt. We are not guilty, of anything. There is no “original sin”. Sin for what, being born? Let’s use the brains we have. So we hang onto John Lennon’s “Instant Karma’s Gonna GET YOU”. You simply wouldn’t believe how most people getting readings somehow think that they’ve gotten away with this-n-that for so long, but now, under the guise of an all-seeing astrologer: now they’re gonna get it.
All a chart is is a map of your exquisite unique beauty.
The various techniques used by astro-seers simply tell us when and how we are likely to unfold. Given, if you’ve had unsupportive parents or extremely difficult circumstances in your life, you may not unfold as was originally sculpted. But, it’s not because you have been bad or should feel guilty about anything. This caveman mentality which needs to go the way of other dying stories of the fear-based Old Testament.
Today’s people are ready for truth. God is truth. There is much truth in the Old Testament and much more in the New, but as the late Dr. David Hawkins calculated the kinesiologically-based level of truth inherent in the Old Testament, it rates at the level of 60, way below the true-normal base level of 200 out of 1,000. It just isn’t true. We can’t say God is all loving yet wants your burnt offerings. It is the time we all awaken to what Jesus et al really were saying. God is within. Heaven is a state of consciousness within our Divine self. No one is waiting for us to get home so they can pull out their belt.
Astrology shows us a pure look at your archetypal truth. We are all segments (and the whole at the same time) of God’s all-encompassing expression. Why else is an orgasm so phenomenal? Why do we get so high when we fall in love? See a newborn? Attain a goal? Because God wants out. He/She wants out of containment from within. It is our NATURE to let He/She/It out – express it. Look at Rachmaninoff, The Beatles, Da Vinci, Yo Yo Ma, Hendrix, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Loreenna McKennitt, Van Morrison, Mikhail Baryshnikov? The list goes on and on and on. We cry when we hear or experience their art. It is God that cries within us as we pine to go home – back to our Source.
THAT is what astrology is – a map/calendar of your particularized expression of universal archetypes. Not how hot your lover will be this weekend. You are comprised of nascent numinous universal forces that want us to remember our Source, our origin, our home. It is time for astrology – no other method exists to give us all of this in a sane, organized fashion. Yes, you can read tea leaves or a goat’s entrails. Truth is revealed in all things because the reader is what’s being revealed. There’s only one of us. And that just blows our mind. We look out, and see all of these bodies – seemingly separate – but not. We look around and we see precisely where separateness has gotten us. We’ve just about shoved each other off of this beautiful blue orb.
So, do your thing. Teach. Build. Play your instrument. Love your “loved ones.” It all comes from Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, etc. They are representatives of just how special we all are; to be tied and intimately related to Cosmic Truth and Cosmic Intention. Quit being so fascinated with your own mind, as “A Course in Miracles” states: “Thoughts leave not their source”. We are intimately related to all, intermingled with sameness in our illusion of separateness. Stop trying to win. Give up trying to be right! It all just flows from Source. We can’t manage it. We can only learn to maneuver the sails better.
Jesus kept pointing up. It’s HIM, not Me, He was saying. We all know that. We think if we surrender that we will lose. We won’t; that’s when we win. Power vs. Force. Force does nothing except perhaps knock over a tree. With true Power, universal Divine Power working through us, there is nothing we cannot achieve. Christ said that we can do what He can do, even more. And yet, we do not believe Him.
It is time for all of us to become BIG; to inherit our true rights to the heights. Astrology will lead the way; there is no stopping it now. We astrologers have been honed through time; we have been worn down to the true essence of God’s intention. The planets Uranus and Pluto will next square each other on May 20, 2013. Do not think of this as harsh or scary – think of this as more polishing to the collective mind. We’re all changing, and quickly. Thank God.
It is time to take the inner links we have seriously. Prayer, meditation, sitting, chanting, toning, whatever: it’s all the same sound. There is only one sound. The sound of life wanting to become manifest. Let it all be. Let it all be as fantastic as it always is. Let us all help each other instead of getting caught up in “theyness”. The Small Voice within is not small, by any means. Sooner or later, your chart will be transited by Neptune and Chiron. Each person has a different timetable. Then will be your true opportunity to channel the essence of the Heavenly One.
So, you want to go to Heaven? You are already there. Dr. David Hawkins left us clear directions in his final piece of writing, “Letting Go - The Pathway of Surrender.”
“Eventually, everything is surrendered that stands in the way of the Presence. The Presence is so obvious, so startling, so overwhelming, that there's no question about it. It is profound, total, all-encompassing, absolutely overwhelming, totally transforming, and completely unmistakable. When everything is surrendered that stands in the way, It is there, shining brilliantly forth.
Instead of viewing this as something in the future, own it now. Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged and saying "OM." It is right here in this instant. The reason you're not experiencing this state of total peace and timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is being resisted because you are trying to control the moment. If you let go of trying to control your experience of the moment, and if you constantly surrender it like a tone of music, then you live on the crest of this exact alwaysness. Experience arises like a note of music. The minute you hear a note, it's already passing away. The instant you've heard it, it's already dissolving as it arises. Let go of anticipating the next moment, trying to control it, trying to hang on to the moment that has just passed. Let go clinging to what has just occurred. Let go trying to control what you think is about to occur. Then you live in an infinite space of non-time and non-event. There is an infinite peace beyond description. And you are home."
Astrology is our TripTik.
(all times Eastern)
There are very few significant aspects this month because so many planets are still bunched up together, this time, in Taurus.
5/4-6 Start separates from opposition to Saturn in Scorpio – With this heavy blanket of Pluto in Scorpio, it got to be a bit much also having heavy Saturn in the dire sign of Scorpio. This heaviness will start to lift for a while.
5/9 Solar Eclipse 19° Taurus 31’ 8:28p – (visible across Northern Australia) With all of the strong psyche changes to the individual and the collective recently, this lunation should “wake us up” to the current status of our physical, down-to-earth existence. Surely, many had their heads in the clouds during March’s 7-planet inhabitance in Pisces. Now, it’s time for the opposite. Get your life straight, and, Saturn in Scorpio will catch you if you have any crib notes up your sleeve.
5/18 Moon opposes Neptune and T-squares Mercury in Gemini – The powerful Moon/Neptune attracts all of our inherent psychic abilities. Being pointed directly at the wide-open Mercury in Gemini, this will be a superb time to entertain new ways of thought, especially intuition-driven. Go for it!
5/20 Sun enters Gemini 5:10p – always a welcome sight. Gemini is light and contrasting against the heavy outer energies this month, should encourage us to take ourselves with an easier touch. Gemini is a fun sign and encourages us to explore and appreciate whatever we see, whether it fits into some grand plan or not. What was 7 planets in Pisces turned into 5 planets in Taurus are now 4 in Gemini. Communications speed up. This is also a wonderful time to develop that new web site or multi-media launch you’ve been hoping for.
5/25 Lunar Eclipse 4° Sagittarius 08’ 12:25a – With so much changing collectively, a Sagittarian lunation will become very important. We will become even more shocked at just how big the Internet is and the impact of social media. Everything is racing forward at light speed. Governments can’t change fast enough, causes are exclaiming from every corner of the globe. Those who were “held down” will be no more. A very good chance of change finally at Guantanamo. Our media is Sagittarian controlled, much to the dismay of Saturn or Pluto. We’re all becoming more and more transparent whether we like it or not. Neptune loves it.
Are you seeing the rhythm of the planets? Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are grinding us to become braver, more resilient and responsible. Neptune and Chiron are finally opening our doorways to this Brave New Quantum World. The dance keeps on with the “minor” planets keeping us active. It is a New World. This month, things will slow a bit giving us a chance to assimilate this new ever-changing paradigm.
May the planets be with you as you find your Starself!” - Rick To receive a monthly reminder of my free newsletter,
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2013 Rick DiClemente - www.starself.com © -
All rights reserved Author of “The Exquisite Zodiac”
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